How to Focus on a Child’s Well-Being During the Holidays

For divorced North Carolina parents and their children, the holidays can be especially stressful. Since family time is important during the holidays, it may be difficult to create a child custody schedule for this time of year. However, what is most important is that the child is given a sense of security and stability.

Separated parents are urged to talk about and plan a holiday custody schedule far in advance. Doing so may allow them to resolve an issue that may arise before or during the holidays themselves. Any custody plan that parents create should be filled with specifics such as when and where any child exchange will occur. The more specific the plan is, the less likely that disagreements will occur. In addition to physical contact with the child, each parent should make an effort to call or video chat with their son or daughter.

It’s important that both parents interact with the child during the holidays. Regardless of what the terms of a holiday custody agreement may be, they should be put into writing and signed by a court to ensure that everything is enforceable. This may increase the odds that the parents adhere to both the letter and the spirit of the arrangement.

In any child custody matter, the top priority is to ensure that the best interests of the child are being met. Therefore, both parents may be required to share custody of a son or daughter even if they would prefer to have sole physical and legal custody. An attorney might be able to help an individual obtain and protect his or her parental rights during the holiday season and throughout the calendar year.

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